Patient’s Age: 57-years-old
Admission Date: 06/29/2020
Admitted From: Mount Sinai Hospital
Discharge Date: TBD
Discharge to: TBD
Length-of-stay: TBD
Reason for Stay: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (Stroke)
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion: Social worker at the hospital referred her to The Grand Pavilion

Details of Experience:
Mrs. Harris was admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital on 05/31/2020 due to Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (stroke) that was caused by bleeding in the subarachnoid space surrounding her brain. She was then admitted to The Grand Pavilion on July 29th. Upon her arrival at the Grand Pavilion, Mrs. Harris was welcomed and made comfortable by members of our clinical team including: Concierge, Nursing, Rehabilitation and Social Work.

The patient was greeted and evaluated by our dedicated therapy team, where it was determined that Mrs. Harris was in the need of intense physical, occupational and speech therapy. Due to her stroke the patient had decreased performance with ADL’S (activities of daily living), as well as, low volume of speech while communicating her needs to the staff. Mrs. Harris presented with impaired sit and stand balance, decreased functional activity, tolerance and endurance.

As much as Mrs. Harris misses her home and community, she is very happy at The Grand Pavilion. She mentioned that she is being treated with respect and dignity by the staff, as a patient deserves and only has good things to say about her nurse aides. Mrs. Harris took the time to thank the recreation team for always facilitating window and virtual visits between herself and her family, and to be able to see them during these challenging times. She is a family oriented person and loved by all.

As she worked very hard to reach her goals, it was to no one’s surprise that she was enjoying great progress. After a short time working consistently with her therapists, Mrs. Harris was able to communicate and speak properly and that she was no longer in need of speech therapy. Her Speech Therapist, Kelly Shoemaker, mentioned how well she progressed and how it was a pleasure to work with her and is very proud of the goals she reached. Mrs. Harris stated how she still loves working with her physical and occupational therapists Debbie and Flora, and hopes she will soon be able to return to the community that she misses very much.

The Grand Pavilion staff is assisting her with discharge plans, as she is getting closer to being discharged and heading back home. The staff prays for her continued health and is very proud of the challenges she conquered and the goals that she reached.