Patient’s Age: 44-years-old
Admission Date: 10/22/2020
Admitted From: New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Discharge Date: 02/10/21
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 6 weeks
Reason for Stay: Rehab Post Oncology Treatment
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? From a Riverside representative in the hospital

Details of Experience:
Mr. Gawrys was in the middle of a vacation at the age of 43 when he found out that he had cancer. Mr. Gawrys went to the hospital (NYP) to treat cancer. After he completed his treatment, he was admitted to a rehabilitation center, where he started rehab. He was there for about a week and a half before he decided that it wasn’t working, and he felt like he was not getting any better. He was transferred back to the hospital, where he stayed for about another two weeks. Tomas then met The Riverside representative, who spoke to him and told him how amazing The Riverside is and how well he could do there. He decided to give it a shot in hopes of regaining his mobility.

As Mr. Gawrys arrived at The Riverside, he stated, “from the moment I entered the building, I knew this place was different from the rest.” He noted how amazed he was with the rooms and how clean they are.  He also mentioned the staff and how they were there for whatever he needed. He specifically mentioned his Nurse Manager, Mark, and his Social Worker, Tara.

The night he was admitted, he met many of the Riverside staff members. They came in to discuss the plan for him to get better in no time. The following day he started working with his therapists. On day number one, he could not sit up in bed on his own. What seemed to be a long journey, just a couple of days ago, doesn’t seem so bad.  Now being at The Riverside, he knew that he would be on his feet in no time if he put the work in. Day by day, he got stronger and stronger. He felt himself getting better by the day. A few short months later, “which felt like a few short weeks,” he was on his feet walking on his own.

The day came for Mr. Gawrys to go home. He thanked everyone for everything they did for him and expressed how thankful he was to everyone here at the Riverside for getting him back to where he needed to be. Today, he says he can take care of himself and even use the stairs at home. Tomas had one final thing to say. “I would recommend The Riverside to others because there is no place with that kind of staff that cares so much about every patient that they come across.”

The staff at The Riverside wish Tomas nothing but the best!