Case Study
Community Name: Cortlandt Healthcare
Patient’s Age: 72
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 79 days
Reason for Stay: Manage her pain and start walking
How did this patient hear about Cortlandt Healthcare?
She worked here as a LPN
Details of Experience:
We had a resident who came to us with multiple myeloma, she had MRSA, acute respiratory failure in the hospital unbearable pain and she was unable to walk. We were unable to even touch her because it caused her so much pain. Because of our concern for her wellbeing we tried to figure out with the doctors exactly why she was in so much pain and what could we do to control it. After much work we figured out how to control her pain! Now since she was no longer in pain we were able to start her with rehab. Eventually she was able to walk with a walker! She was so grateful that we gave her her life back!