Patients Age: 87
Admission Date: March 27, 2015
Admitted From: South Nassau Community Hospital
Discharge Date: May 28, 2015
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 63 Days
Reason for Stay: Acute kidney failure, unspecified
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? From the Hospital
Patient came to Facility with a diagnosis of acute kidney failure. He was born in Brooklyn, New York. He has one brother and two sisters. His lifetime occupation was a mechanic and he graduated high school. He is happily married with his wife Cecelia for 66 years. They have one son and one daughter together with five amazing grandsons. He enjoys washing and polishing his car and helping Cecelia around the house and working in the garden. When I asked him what his favorite food is, he stated that he loves eggplants.
Patient received intensive physical and occupational therapy to maximize independence for safe return to community. During his stay medical work up was completed due to increased forgetfulness and confusion and all of the family`s medical concerns were addressed.
Recreation team worked along the side of the nursing team and every discipline which made our discharge goal for her a very successful one. He now requires less assistance than prior admittance to the hospital and was discharged last week to home.