Patients Age: 85
Admission Date: 2/23/2017
Admitted From: St. Mary’s Hospital
Discharge Date: 3/14/2017
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 19
Reason for Stay: Orthopedic
How did this patient hear about Jupiter? Insurance – Humana
Details of Experience:
Mr. Fred Sternau is an 85-year-old gentleman, who was admitted to Jupiter Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center from St. Mary’s Hospital after an attempt to jump from a falling ladder. He suffered a fracture of the right shaft of the fibula and lower end of the right tibia. Fred retired 20 years ago from the import/export business and moved to Florida with his wife. He spends a lot of time at the ocean collecting shells and then turning them into great pieces of art using them in baskets, wreaths and mirrors. When he isn’t putting his artistic talents to good use, Fred volunteers at the Day Labor Resource Center as a cook.
Upon evaluation, the therapists discovered that Fred was unable to transfer, ambulate or care for himself without assistance. After one week of participating in physical and occupational therapy services, Fred was able to begin ambulating with a walker while hopping to maintain non-weight bearing orders on his right lower extremity, as well as require less assistance for toileting and basic self-care. After two weeks of therapy, Fred showed excellent progress by the ability to ambulate 60 feet with a walker and the ability to perform all self-care tasks at only standby assistance level. At the time of Fred’s discharge, he was able to perform all basic self-care at modified independent levels and ambulate unlimited distances using the walker to maintain his non-weight bearing status to his right lower extremity. Fred was able to obtain all of his goals and successfully return home!
An Occupational Therapy Assistant/Student who happened to be interning at our community while Fred was with us was so impressed and enjoyed the sessions daily with him, stated….”Despite his non-weight bearing precautions, pain, and weakness, Fred was determined to overcome his hardships and was able to strive through all obstacles with a smile and a contagious sense of humor that kept the entire therapy staff and residents roaring with laughter. Fred’s motivation, dedication, and hard work, not only inspired the other residents but the entire staff as well.”