Patient’s Age: 53-years-old
Admission Date: 02/14/2020
Admitted From: Primary Residence
Discharge Date: TBD
Discharged To: TBD
Length of Stay: TBD
Reason for Stay: Dysphagia, Epilepsy, Osteoporosis, and Bell’s Palsy
How did patient hear about Lebanon Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Previous Patient Testimonies

Details of Experience:
“Going in and out of hospitals had become normal for me. I was so used to hating the food, being lonely, and just overall, not excelling in the ways I wanted to on my journey to recovery. I knew I didn’t want to go back to the hospital, so I talked with my daughters and friends, who told me about an exceptional therapy center. The Marketing Director, Christy Buono, came and greeted me at my home. She spoke of a skilled nursing facility in Lebanon that would transform my opinion of the nursing facility experience. I didn’t realize how different it was at Lebanon Center until about a month or two in.” said Risa W.

Shopping and spending time with her daughter brought about much joy for Risa. While preparing for one of their legendary shopping excursions, Risa was rummaging through her closet for a cardigan when she lost her balance. Her eldest daughter felt it was the time that she received therapy to build up her strength.

Risa came to Lebanon Center on February 14th. Risa had been managing her Dysphagia, Epilepsy, Osteoporosis, and Bell’s Palsy for as long as she can remember. Upon admission to Lebanon Center, Risa was greeted by the Concierge Services team with a warm smile and a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. Risa had missed dinner due to trying to prepare for admission, and Destiny spoke to the family to find out what her favorite sandwich was.

Early the following morning, Risa met all the staff and felt a sense of comfort in knowing who would be caring for her. After she met everyone, Risa had a feeling that she made the right choice, but wasn’t entirely convinced that she would make a full recovery. She was extremely stand-offish, upset, quiet, and lonely in the beginning. The entire therapy team worked with her almost daily. She was fearful of walking again because she didn’t want to fall. Rather than trying to work through the fear, Katie Hilker took the time to address her concerns so she would feel comfortable in her own body again. Doubtful and defeated, Risa worked with therapy, as much as she could, to no avail. Requiring maximum assist, she was unable even to stand independently.

The following weeks were monumental for Risa in her road to recovery. Katie helped Risa overcome her anxiety about progression and trusting her body; however, Risa was still struggling to trust her body. Legs and arms were shaking, arm hair standing completely up, while tears are streaming down her face, Risa stood for two minutes. In utter shock, she inched her walker forward and stepped forward with her left foot. After a minute, Risa was overwhelmed with joy, as one foot moved in front of another. At this point, she was briskly walking. When she turned around, she realized just how far she had gone. The look on Risa’s face lit up the room and was full of motivation, life, and pure joy when Katie exclaimed, “Risa, that was 5 feet!.” The tears that were once due to fear and depression quickly turned into rejoicing because, for Risa, this was no small feat.

Over the course of the next few months, Risa astounded everyone at Lebanon Center. After her first pillar of success, she transformed into an entirely different person. Risa is now frequently involved in activities and events. The wonderful lady who came in as a wallflower quickly became a social butterfly. She was more driven and focused on obtaining her goals every day.

She would push harder for a few extra feet daily.

Presently, Risa is almost unreservedly independent. It was a long road, but Risa is beyond thankful for her new outlook on life, personality, and friendships that she has made in the Lebanon Center community. In five months, Risa can walk 50 ft with supervision and 400 ft unsupervised, transfers herself, and is now requiring minimal assistance with everyday things. The level of improvements that Risa has made since being admitted to Lebanon Center is nothing short of amazing. When asked, Risa said, “It’s different from anything I have ever seen before. They bring you in and keep you engaged. The excitement from the team about my journey is the same today as it was in the beginning; it never dwindles.

We wish Risa nothing but joy and health in her future endeavors while believing that her authenticity and initiative will continue to lead her on her journey for a healthy tomorrow!