Patient’s Age: 80-years-old
Date of Admission: 10/29/20
Admitted From: VA Hospital, Nashville Tennessee
Discharge Date: 11/25/20
Discharged To: Independent Living Facility
Length of Stay: 27 days
Reason for stay: Rehabilitation following UTI and onset of decreased strength and mobility

Details of experience:
Mr. Hugh B. arrived at Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation & Healing on October 29, 2020, following his inpatient stay at the Nashville VA Medical Center. He had been admitted to the hospital after being found on the floor of his apartment. Upon assessment, it was determined that his weakness was most likely related to a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), dehydration, and poor nutrition. Due to the onset of a decrease in overall body strength, a decrease in functional mobility, and a reduced ability to safely transfer or execute activities for daily living, Trevecca Rehabilitation was determined to be the best rehabilitation center to support Mr. Bennett in regaining his strength and independence.

Upon arrival to Trevecca, Mr. Bennett was greeted by our dedicated clinical team. Within 24 hours, his Physical Therapist, Sara Saussey, Occupational Therapist, Sara Garner, and his Speech Therapist, Sara Schaeffer began his therapy program at bedside to evaluate his current state of health and mobility. He arrived with the need for full assistance with transfers and bed mobility, as well as, an altered mental status related to his UTI.

Mr. Bennett worked with the therapy team focusing on balancing skills, lower extremity strength, toileting, bathing and “rolling”, in the event he would experience a fall after returning home. Mr. Bennett quickly graduated from rising from his bed with significant assistance, to walking with assistance approximately 15 feet. Each day brought greater mobility, as he was able to rise from a sitting position unassisted and ambulate using a walker, as much as 250 feet!

On November 25, 2020 Mr. Bennett was able to return home to his independent living apartment. Mr. Bennett shared that the team at Trevecca “were absolutely wonderful, and he could not imagine achieving this level of improvement without their care.”