Post Spinal Surgery Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Director Concierge: Katie Williams
Patients Age: 67 years old 
Admission Date: 02/23/21
Admitted From: Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital 
Discharge Date: TBD 
Reason for Stay: Inability to stand/walk

Details of Experience:Ms. Dial was admitted to Nashville Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on February 23rd, 2021, from Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital. Nashville Center was recommended to Ms. Dial by the hospital, and it was also close to her family. Ms. Dial has a history of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) and receives Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) each month. 

 She initially went to the hospital with the inability to stand or walk, and when she arrived at the hospital, she was scheduled for an MRI. The MRI showed severe spinal stenosis, after which the patient was admitted to the hospital. After consultation with the neurosurgery team, Ms. Dial then underwent decompression of her spinal cord. Following her surgery, the hospital’s physical therapy team evaluated Ms. Dial and determined that a skilled nursing community would benefit her healing process.

 Upon admission to Nashville Center, Ms. Dial was greeted by multiple departments, including the concierge, social services, nursing, and therapy team. The initial evaluations are vital to the team to help ensure a positive stay and to help her reach her goals while in the community. Ms. Dial was a pleasure to care for and get to know. She always has a smile on her face and is always exceedingly kind.

 Ms. Dial was given a series of short-term and long-term goals, and she is continuing to reach her goals throughout the rehabilitation process! Within nine days of Ms. Dial working with our therapy team, she was safely able to perform functional activities to achieve the goal of five minutes without assistance. Ms. Dial remains incredibly motivated to reach her goals and always pushes herself.

 Nashville Center continues to be impressed with Ms. Dial’s progress. They are so glad that she chose the community to come to for her healing process!

Thank you, Ms. Dial, for your smiles and positivity; Nashville Center is so proud of your progress!