Concierge: Diva Ferreira
Patient: Penny M. Koco
Patient Age: 75 years
Admission Date: February 25, 2024
Discharge Date: March 6, 2024
Length of Stay: 9 days
Admitted From: Cleveland Clinic Martin North
Reason for Stay: Rhabdomyolysis ( breakdown of muscle) and Metabolic Encephalopathy (a problem in the brain)

Details of Experience:

Mrs. Kocol met with our Director of Marketing, Dorothy Duva. Dorothy travels to local hospitals to speak to potential patients to come here for therapy, nursing and other services we have at the Jupiter Community. She spoke to her about all the services that we offer. After Dorothy left, Mrs Kocol and her husband discussed where she wanted to go. They agreed that Jupiter Rehab would be the best for her because of our 4.1 Google Reviews and how we were named one of the Best Communities in Florida.

Mrs. Kocol arrived from Cleveland Clinic Martin North at our community on Sunday, February 25th, 2024, in the late afternoon. She was here because she needed to get stronger. Her diagnoses are Rhabdomyolysis and Metabolic Encephalopathy. When she arrived at our community, she was greeted by her nurse and her CNA for that evening. The following day, I visited with her and conducted the admission interview in the afternoon. She was up and in the chair. Her husband was visiting her at the time I was doing the interview. I introduced myself to both and offered my business card. I explained that I would support both the patient and the family. I told Mr. Kocol that when he was not here, I would support his wife and be her biggest cheerleader. They were thrilled to hear that. Early in the day, she met the Physical Therapist, Debbie, and our Occupational Therapist, Lindsey. She told me they were very kind and patient with her, and they knew what her goals would be.

At first, when she was evaluated, the patient was a max assist of one. She always participated in everything that therapy asked of her. As the days passed, she became more determined than ever to get there. Her daily living skills improved. While doing therapy, she enjoyed going out with her husband and discussing how they used to go to Hawaii. He was trying to convince her after she was home for a bit that they should go to Australia. She said no. She also enjoyed attending the live music programs that we offered. Mrs. Kocol was so impressed with us that she wrote a beautiful Google review.

When I spoke to her the day before she left, we chatted about her experience here. She said she couldn’t thank us enough for all we did and all the support the Concierge position provided. The huge smile she had made my heart happy. She was discharged home on March 6, 2024, with a rolling walker doing 75 feet with supervision. She is a fantastic woman and so determined. We all wish her the very best on her continued journey.