Every individual is emotionally affected to some degree by a traumatic experience.
For patients recovering from an illness, accident, a medical procedure, or any other traumatic experience, it is essential for recovery to address not only their physical needs but their emotional response to the event as well.
CareRite Centers is proud to partner with Urban Zen, a program founded by Donna Karan and Urban Zen Foundation, dedicated to putting the care back in healthcare.
Click here to learn about Self Care, and click here to learn about how we practice Self Care!
Urban Zen and CareRite Centers presents complimentary Urban Zen Class Opportunities
Live Zoom Class: Wednesdays at 6 pm EST
Meeting ID: 812 8437 0701 Password: crc
To register for the Zoom class, please email crcuzclass@gmail.com
- Wednesday’s 6pm-7pm Chateau will be hosting in person community class.
- Sunday’s 5pm-6pm Grand Pavilion will be hosting in person community class.
Integrative Therapy Program
Imagine a healthcare system where the patient is treated, not just the disease. A system where complementary healing modalities such as yoga therapy, Reiki, essential oil therapy and contemplative care are integrated with mainstream, allopathic medicine in a holistic approach to patient and self-care.
Donna Karan and Urban Zen Foundation created the UZIT Program to meet this vision.
What Is an Integrative Therapy Session?
An integrative therapy session incorporates three gentle healing modalities: Reiki, essential oil therapy and yoga therapy. This integrative approach is uniquely designed to address the primary symptoms of PANIC™-E (Pain, Anxiety, Nausea, Insomnia, Constipation and Exhaustion).
What Is Yoga Therapy?
Mindful Movements
Subtle movements that relieve anxiety, improve circulation, minimize constipation and decrease insomnia, done in a bed or a chair
Restorative Poses
Postures that enhances circulation, digestion and respiration
Breath Awareness
Exercises that assists in dealing with all the symptoms of PANIC™-E (Pain, Anxiety, Nausea, Insomnia, Constipation and Exhaustion)
Body Awareness
Meditation that minimizes pain and releases anxiety
What Is Essential Oil Therapy?
Essential oil therapy uses essential oils made from plant materials to promote relaxation, relieve stress and anxiety and minimize insomnia, nausea and pain.
Essential Oils that are used in our daily practice are:
- Lavender
- Frankincense
- Peppermint
- Lemon
- On Guard
- Serenity
- Balance
- Citrus Bliss
- Deep Blue
- Motivate
- Wild Orange
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese vibrational energy therapy facilitated by light touch, on or slightly off the body, balancing the human biofield.