Patients Age: 55-years-old
Admission Date: 06/03/20
Admitted From: Westchester Medical Center
Dishcharge Date: 10/29/20
Discharged To: Home
Reason for Stay: Fractured Hip

Details of Experience:
Mr. Murphy was admitted to The Grove at Valhalla Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on June 3rd 2020, with an admitting diagnosis of below-the-knee-amputation (BKA). This was his first time in a Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and he was feeling a bit apprehensive, at first. “The second I entered the lobby and took a look at the décor and smelled the sweet scent emanating from the building, I knew I was in the right place.”

Mr. Murphy met with all team members upon admission and discussed care plans and goals he would like to reach. Mr. Murphy was evaluated by his Occupational Therapists who observed him, with a decrease in balance and requiring skilled OT services to assess safety with ADL’s and develop/instruct on compensatory strategies. The Physical Therapy team discussed being able to transfer in and out of bed without side rails. Mr. Murphy always relied on side rails for maneuvering and transferring, but he was ready to overcome his fear of living without them. Mr. Murphy mentioned that there are a few steps to get into his apartment which the therapists took note of and were ready to work on with him.

During his stay at The Grove, Mr. Murphy was introduced to Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler from our signature Amputee Walking School Program, which is exclusive to the Care Rite Centers Network. Todd and Dennis, world-renowned Paralympic Gold Medalists, have mentored over 20,000 amputees worldwide! They have created this program to cater specifically to patients contemplating amputation or have undergone a procedure in the past. Dennis and Todd worked closely with Mr. Murphy, monitoring his progress and keeping in touch by visits to the facility and phone calls. When his prosthesis arrived, Mr. Murphy worked with Moshe, our prosthetist, who helped fit and stabilize his walking and comfort, together with Dennis and Todd.

On October 19th, the Nursing and Rehab teams came to the decision that James would be ready to go home the following week! Mr. Murphy was able to perform bed mobility without the use of side rails and completed commode transfer training. Being able to get dressed, make his bed, don and doff his prosthesis on his own, Mr. Murphy’s OT goals were complete. Mr. Murphy made great progress with PT by being able to ambulate 100 feet on level surfaces and safely ambulating 350 feet using his Bilateral Axillary crutches. Additionally, he ascended/descended 15 stairs with supervision and using handrails.

“It was very encouraging to meet Todd and Dennis. I’m going to be keeping in touch with them and call them when I get home. They were very motivating and now I am able to see how I am going to walk just like them,” Mr. Murphy shared about his experience with Dennis and Todd. “I’m starting to get used to my prosthesis. It’s feeling good and comfortable. It was such a pleasure meeting them.”

Mr. Murphy walked out of The Grove on October 29th, wearing his prosthesis, feeling like a new person. Arriving at The Grove in June with a feeling of doubt and despair, Mr. Murphy discharged with a smile. He expressed tremendous gratitude to the staff for giving him another chance at being able to walk and live independently.