As a network, we are so grateful for our team members, the leaders in their communities.
Our team members work tirelessly to ensure that the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our patients and residents are met daily.
We are especially proud to recognize these leaders who have exhibited such strength in their community for 5 years and beyond.
With that, we are so proud to introduce our campaign, Ambassadors of Strength: Strength Behind the Scrubs.
Alongside esteemed jewelry designer and accessories brand Freida Rothman, we will be gifting all department heads who have been in their community for 5 years and longer with their very own Strength bracelet, showcasing their dedication, commitment and strength over their tenure.
Our incredible team members will wear the strength bracelet with pride, as we are so proud of them.
We wanted to thank our team members for all that they do, and the way that they do it, each and every day. Our team members are our most precious resource, thank you.