Cardiovascular Orthopedic Rehabilitation Recovering from COVID and Pneumonia
Director of Concierge: Isaac Abtan
Patients Age: 78 years old
Admission Date: 1/8/21
Admitted From: Kings County
Discharge Date: 3/4/21
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: Around 2 Months
Reason for Stay: Covid related
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Details of experience: Mr. Monroe arrived at The Chateau on January 8th, 2021, following admission to Kings County Hospital in early December for COVID-19. When he arrived at the hospital, he found that in addition to COVID, he also suffered from pneumonia. Mr. Monroe was nervous but determined to fight this and return home.
After the doctors completed a battery of tests and provided much-needed treatment, his doctor told him that he would need rehabilitation to gain strength and return home. After researching different facilities, Mr. Monroe’s daughter came across the Chateau; they decided to transfer him.
Mr. Monroe arrived at The Chateau, not knowing what to expect. All he wanted was to return home, and he was ready to give his all to complete his journey to better health. After a good dinner and a good night’s sleep, he was greeted by his Physical Therapist, Parita, and his Occupational Therapist, Esline, who conducted a thorough evaluation to begin his personalized rehabilitation journey.
After close to two months of rigorous therapy, the staff determined that the time had come for Mr. Monroe to go home. Arrangements were made, and he was scheduled for discharge on March 4th, 2021.
It was a beautiful Thursday morning, and Mr. Monroe was packed and ready to go. When asked about The Chateau, he stated, “I was so happy that I ended up choosing and coming to The Chateau. If not for The Chateau, I’m not sure what I would have done.”
The staff at The Chateau wished Mr. Monroe the best.