Orthopedic Rehabilitation Following Blood Flow to Legs

Director Concierge/Assistant Administrator: Dimitry Schwartz
Case Study: Jesse Giambrone
Patient’s Age: 73 years old
Initial Admission Date: 2/26/21
Admitted From: St Catherine of Siena Medical Center
Discharge Date: 3/22/2021
Reason for Stay: Limb Ischemia, Left-Mid Posterior Tibial Artery Bypass

Details of Experience:
On February 22nd, 2021, Jesse was experiencing numbness and cramps in his left leg, which caused difficulty walking. Jesse went to the hospital to figure out what was causing these issues. After a medical assessment, the doctor determined that the weakness was likely related to poor blood circulation and recommended an operation to improve blood flow in the left leg area. After the successful surgery, the medical team at the hospital suggested that Jesse follows up with short-term rehab to maximize recovery. With the assistance of the hospital social worker and his family, Jesse chose to come to The Hamlet.

Upon admission to Hamlet Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, Jesse was welcomed by our fantastic receptionist and nursing team. Shortly after, the rest of the interdisciplinary team was acquainted with Jesse. The day following his admission, Jesse was evaluated by physical therapy. During the initial assessment, Jesse presented with weakness in his leg and decreased mobility. He required moderate assistance to roll side to side in his bed when needing to move around. He also required considerable assistance to roll over from prone position to supine, sitting up from laying down, and standing up. While standing, he needed total assistance with pivoting and car transfers. He was not able to ambulate. During his stay, the rehab team worked diligently with Jesse using graded therapeutic exercises, open and closed chain kinetics, hip abduction exercises with graded resistance.

After nearly a month of therapy, Jesse progressed nicely. He no longer required assistance to roll from front to back while in bed. He could get up and lay down in bed independently, do car transfers with just contact guard assistance, ambulate 20 feet, and go up and down two stairs (and increase from 0). Overall, Jesse regained considerable strength back in his legs and returned to a similar independence level before his hospitalization.

While Jesse was not in therapy, he would enjoy leisure activities like watching TV and using his phone. Jesse said that he enjoyed his rehab process very much and was thankful for the Hamlet team for getting him back on his feet.

Thank you for choosing The Hamlet!