Concierge: Marialcira Hernandez
Patient’s Age: 59 years old
Admission Date: 07/08/2022
Discharge Date: TBA
Discharged to: Home
Reason for Stay: Right leg fracture

 Details of Experience:

Ms. Rodriguez is a 59 years old female who lives in an apartment with her spouse. She has a history of Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) on August 8th, 2021, with hemiplegia and hemiparesis affecting her right dominant side. She presented to the Emergency Department of Mercy Hospital in Miami on June 17th, 2022, with right leg pain after a fall, resulting in a femur fracture. On June 19th, 2022, she had an intervention to fix the fracture with an external fixator. The Surgeon referred her to a Skilled Nursing Facility to receive therapy, and with the help of the Hospital Social Worker, she decided on Palmetto Subacute Care Center.

Ms. Rodriguez was admitted to Palmetto on July 8th, 2022. She was welcomed and evaluated by Nursing Team, Rehab team, Social Worker, and Concierge. The team worked closely with the patient to ensure all her needs were met and she felt comfortable. Ms. Rodriguez started her therapy right away and established her goals. At the initial evaluation, she couldn’t ambulate. She performed the transfers, bed mobility, and activities of daily living (ADLs) with moderate assistance. Before her fall, the patient could ambulate short distances at home using a hemi walker and a wheelchair. She required assistance from her husband and a private caregiver to perform her ADLs.

Ms. Rodriguez quickly adapted to the community. She loves participating in the daily activities organized by Recreation Department for patients, like art and craft, domino, bingo, movie nights, parties, painting, and holiday events. She also enjoys socializing with other patients and has made good friends! She spends the afternoon at the patio, taking a sunbath.

She worked hard every day at the therapy sessions, so she improved significantly. At her last evaluation on March 24th, 2023, Ms. Rodriguez could ambulate 200 feet with contact guard assist, using a rolling walker, and performed the ADLs with minimal assistance or contact guard assist.

Ms. Rodriguez is still receiving therapy and has no discharge date, but we are very proud of her improvement and hard work! We are sure she will reach her goals soon and return home.