Concierge Director: David Borochow
Patient’s Name: Robert Rose
Patient’s Age: 76
Admission Date: 2/6/2024
Discharge Date: 5/9/2024
Discharged To: Home
Admitted From: St. Francis Hospital
Length of Stay: 93 Days
How Did the Patient Hear About Glengariff? Hospital Referral

Details of experience:

Robert Rose, a 76-year-old male presenting with an above-the-knee amputation (AKA), faced a challenging journey after being hospitalized due to a severe infection requiring IV antibiotics. Following his initial treatment, Robert was transferred to Glengariff Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, where he was introduced to Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, fellow amputees and Gold Medal winners in the Paralympics who are our partners in care for our Comprehensive Amputee Rehabilitation Program/Amputee Walking School (CARP/AWS).

As a recent amputee, Robert’s path to regaining mobility was complicated by his advanced age and a persistent wound that hindered his progress. Despite these obstacles, the rehabilitation team, including physical therapists and wound care specialists, worked diligently to address his unique needs. The wound care team employed advanced healing techniques, such as debridement and specialized dressings, which eventually led to significant improvement in the condition of his wound. Concurrently, physical therapists provided targeted exercises to strengthen Robert’s residual limb and enhance his overall mobility.

A crucial element of Robert’s recovery was the support he received from fellow amputees, who also were rehabilitation patients at Glengariff and proud members of the Amputee Walking School. Their shared experiences and encouragement fostered a strong sense of community and motivation, significantly influencing Robert’s perseverance and gradual improvement.

Over time, Robert’s wound healed properly, and his strength and confidence with his new prosthetic leg increased. His mobility improved markedly, allowing him to walk with minimal assistance. By the end of his rehabilitation, Robert could walk to his car with his new leg, marking a significant milestone in his recovery journey.

This case illustrates the impact of specialized medical care, the dedication of healthcare professionals, and peer support’s powerful influence in overcoming significant health challenges and achieving remarkable recovery outcomes.

We send Mr. Rose our best wishes as he continues on this healing path to recovery and renewal.