Case Study
Community Name: Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
Patient’s Age: 88
Discharged To:
Length of Stay:
Reason for Stay: Extreme agitation and uncooperativeness
How did this patient hear about Sans Souci Rehabilitation?
St. Johns
Details of Experience:
Rita Gavin is an 88 year old female with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, CAD, Breast Cancer, Anxiety, and Depression. She has no past history of smoking. She lives alone with a homemaker. She was brought to St. Johns for extreme agitation and uncooperativeness. After her discharge from St Johns she was then admitted to Sans Souci for rehabilitation.
She was approved by the Pulmonologist Dr. Brill on the 17th of September 2014 and by the cardiologist Dr. Sherzoy on the 26th of September 2014. In the early stages of her treatment Rita was non compliant. She was very confused and agitated. She had a very hard time staying focused on tasks and was very anxious. Her breathing patterns and oxygen levels were affected in a negative way by her mental status. After her first week here she started showing a noticeable improvement in her mental state and became, not only, cooperative and less anxious, but also very bright and able to hold very pleasant conversations. Her respiratory status also improved during this time. Her endurance and stamina increased with every day’s treatment. The Respiratory Therapist has been able to start oxygen weaning during therapy with the patient. Also, he has been able to start teaching her skills and tips to help her improve her daily living once she is discharged.
As the weeks have passed Ms Gavin has shown daily improvements with her exercise levels. She has gone from only being able to walk 5 to 10 feet before resting, to now being able to walk over 150 feet with only on short breaks in a time of 3 weeks. As reported by the Therapist oxygen weaning during walking has been very successful with oxygen levels on room air starting at 96-97% and dropping to only 93% after walks of 50-60 ft.
In Recreation therapy Ms Gavin is an active participant during reminisce and discussion groups, cooking classes and special events (Dinner with the Chef and Around the World programs). She enjoys attending live music performances and socializing in small group settings. She also enjoys reading the newspaper, completing word games and visits from her family and friends. Ms Gavin exhibits a willingness to try programs that are novel to her and takes the time to offer support and encouragement for others to participate in programming as well. Her bright demeanor and infectious smile brings contentment to those around her and her insight is well received by her peers.
As she is returning to normal mental status the therapist have been able to build a very close relationship with the patient. She has helped in not only the exercise portion of therapy but also the educational side. Ms. Garvin is a very intelligent and interesting woman. I have found being in her company and working with her to be very enjoyable. She is very motivated to work harder and improve her physical status so she can return to her regular life. At this time, after coordinating with the different departments we believe that, with a couple more weeks of therapy and tender love and care, she should be able to return home with homecare and lead a very productive functional life.