Patient’s Age: 84 Y
Admission Date: October 9, 2014
Admitted From: Franklin Hospital
Discharge Date: 11/18/14
Discharged To: Assisted Living
Length of Stay: 41 Days

Details of Experience:
Patient is an 84 year old, white, widowed male with mild dementia, history of chronic renal insufficiency, history of gout, history of anemia status post CABG, status post valve replacement, possibly 15 years ago at Mount Sinai Hospital. Patient was admitted status post fall with head trauma from Franklin General Hospital. Patient is a poor historian. Patient is on Norvasc, beta-blocker, statin and aspirin. Patient has been ambulatory with assistance.

Patient was living alone in an apartment in Staten Island, however son feels that due to patient`s confusion he may require help or pass assisted living placement. SW referred son to the community placement specialist to assist son. Patient did not appear to be Medicaid eligible.

The SW worker had a very good discharge plan for the patient. The other day, while visiting Atria Assisted Living, we bumped into him and he was very pleased to see us. He said that we have become a part of his family and “thank you” for the very good care.