Patients Age: 83
Admission Date: July 15, 2015
Admitted From: Good Samaritan Hospital
Discharge Date: July 31, 2015
Discharged To: Ramapo Manor
Length of Stay: 16 Days
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation
How did this patient hear about Ramapo Manor?Referred By the Case Manger at GSH.
This month’s case study in my eyes was more like a love story. He came to Ramapo Manor on April 8th 2015 after a five day stay at a nearby hospital. While at Good Samaritan Hospital his wife was also a patient there. We knew he was going to need intense Rehabilitation here at Ramapo Manor and we also knew that his wife couldn’t be left alone at their house. So we decided that the best option would be for her to come to Ramapo Manor for a Respite stay. We put them in the same room so they could always be together. It was like a one bedroom apartment for the both of them. They have been married for over 40 years. For anyone that is married you can relate to this. A day without your soul mate can sometimes feel like a lifetime. They were such a delight to see every day and would always have smiles on their faces. As the weeks went on he was getting stronger and progressing quite well in PT and OT. She would patiently wait for him to finish his daily rehab. Each day after he finished he would return back to his room and they would go about their day just like they would if they were home. After 84 days he was ready to leave Ramapo Manor and she was right behind him. Before they left this morning I went in to wish them all the best and to say goodbye. While in their room I asked them both “so guys how was everything here at Ramapo Manor?” Their response was priceless. They said “Kris we will never forget what you guys did for us. We don’t know how to live without each other so thank you so much for letting us stay together.” This was a very special experience that I was able to witness and it showed me that true love happens every single day. We try are very best to accommodate every resident here at Ramapo Manor and we were so happy that we could help them with their situation.