Patients Age: 89
Admission Date: 10/2/15
Admitted From: Nyack Hospital
Discharge Date:
Discharged To: Ramapo Manor
Length of Stay: 52 Days
Reason for Stay: Fractured Femur
How did this patient hear about Ramapo Manor? The Case Manager at Nyack Hospital told this patient about Ramapo Manor.
Details of Experience:
Patient came to Ramapo Manor on October 2nd after a 5 day stay at Nyack Hospital. He had Fractured his Right Femur and was going to need a lot of Rehabilitation. At the time of his arrival we had a private room that just became available so we were able to give him his own little Pent House Suite. He was very pleased with his private room because he had a personal aide which was with him 24 hours a day. After a few days at Ramapo Manor, he was progressing quite well in Physical and Occupational Therapy. The thing that amazed me the most was the friendship that he had developed with one of our residents. While interviewing him I asked him what are some hobbies and activities that you like to do. He responded with “I LOVE CHESS.” So after that I was able to introduce him to one of our other residents who was an avid chess player. Right away they hit it off. The two of them would play chess three times a week and would always keep each other company. They had become great pals and it all started with a simple game of chess. Eventually after a little over 2 months he was finally ready to leave Ramapo Manor. I spoke with the Nurses and Therapists before he was about to leave and they all said that he was such a delightful man and that they were going to miss him very much. I was very happy to hear of this but at the same time I was sad that he was going to leave his good friend behind. Well he wasn’t ready to leave his friend behind either, so for Thanksgiving he invited his buddy over for dinner. When I learned of this, it immediately put a smile on my face. I wanted to do something nice that would make patient remember us here at Ramapo Manor. On his last day here I presented him with his own personal Chess Board that we had bought for him. He was speechless and was so grateful for the gift. I told him now you will always have something to remember us by and I gave him a big hug. The moral to this story is that the smallest things in life can sometimes be the biggest impact on starting a friendship. In this case it was a Chess Board. The two friends still speak weekly and have already arranged another get together. I was so fortunate to experience the birth of such a wonderful friendship.