Patients Age: 74
Admission Date: 9/12/13
Admitted From: Mercy Medical Center
Discharge Date: Still presently at GP
Length of Stay: 809 Days
Reason for Stay: Parkinson disease, Rhabdomyolysis, Muscle weakness, Atherosclerotic heart disease
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? From the hospital
Patient came to Grand Pavilion after having trouble from muscle weakness and difficulty walking. She heard that we have an excellent rehab/therapy team and to help her recover.
During her stay here, her condition has improved. She’s been talking with residents and staff from the help of our speech therapist, also walking with a walker from our PT/OT staff. She has also been participating in recreation therapy and also she’s alert with situations that go on. She enjoys arts and crafts, music entrainment and also morning stretches with the team. She receives very good care from all staff in the facility including family that comes to visit. Physical therapy, social workers, family and staff believe that she’ll become a long term resident but from seeing from her improvement’s, her husband believes that hopefully in the future she’ll be able to come home again.