Patients Age: 47
Admission Date: 12/31/16
Admitted From: White Plains Hospital
Discharge Date: 1/28/16
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 1 Month
Reason for Stay: Rehab
How did this patient hear about Grove Center?
SW at Hospital
Details of Experience:
Resident came to us from WPH. He is a young gentleman and was extremely unhappy about being at The Grove-or any SNF- for rehab. He was met by all departments and was given a strong dosage of Grove hospitality. The concierge spent hours with him trying to make him feel comfortable and adjust to his new environment.
The rehab team did an excellent job with the new resident. From Evals on day 1 to discharge on the last day, they were extremely kind, helpful and professional. The nursing department as well, went above and beyond for this young resident to ensure his comfort and complete satisfaction while with us.
What I would like to highlight in this case study, though, isn’t regarding the actual care he received- the resident gave a long, detailed testimonial on that. What I wanted to base this case study on is what went on behind the scenes for this resident.
Upon admissions, the nurse was asked by the resident for a certain narcotic for pain that wasn’t on the discharge orders from the hospital. The miscommunication was that the narcotic he had a standing order for was that of a certain level that SNF aren’t allowed to dispense. This posed a serious problem for us and the hospital because we would have to send him back and the resident would need to be admitted until they find a different appropriate facility.
Our Administrator and medical team jumped on this issue fast! They quickly did some investigation and tracked down the doctor who prescribed the narcotic. After explaining the situation, he coordinated with our doctor and switched the order to a similar narcotic that The Grove could dispense and is of equal strength to the original.
This amazing display of professionalism and inter healthcare communication prevented unnecessary anxiety for the resident and his family. The case managers and doctor in the hospital were also very pleased not to have to readmit the resident and knowing that The Grove is on top of his medical situation gave them confidence in our team.
Great work!!!