Patients Age: 76
Admission Date:
Admitted From: Mercy Medical Center
Discharge Date: 10/21/2016
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay:
Reason for Stay: Weakness s/p Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, which metastasized to liver.
How did this patient hear about the Grand Pavilion? Patient was greeted by a team member from The Grand Pavilion and a follow-up tour was provided.
Details of Experience:
Miss Ohagen is a 76 year old intelligent female who was a teacher and loved to write poetry. She is very artistic and loves to spend time with her family, especially her grandkids. She stated, “I can’t wait to get home to them and keep them up passed their bedtime while hanging out with grandma.” Miss Ohagen loves to listen to music, do crossword puzzles and loves to talk about just about anything. Prior to arriving to The Grand Pavilion community, Miss Ohagen resided with her son and was able to ambulate with a rollator, but since then she became too weak as a result of several complications.
She was admitted from Mercy Medical Center on July 21, 2016 with a primary diagnosis of weakness related to the chemotherapy she had received for breast cancer that had metastasized to her liver. Upon admission, she presented with pain, decreased muscle strength, deficits in dynamic balance, and required assistance with her daily functions of everyday living. Miss Ohagen suffers from anxiety and was fearful to walk the stairs, but has been striving to overcome her fears. She understands the seriousness of her illness and is grateful that her health is “holding up” for her to gain some of her strength back and return home with her family. She stated, “I’m not in any pain and I’m glad to say I can live my days in dignity.”
Miss Ohagen has received intensive physical and occupational therapy to maximize independence, increase her strength and improve her balance. It has been hard work but her persistence has taken her a long way and she is capable of returning home to complete her chemotherapy treatments.
Over the course of Miss Ohagen’s stay here at The Grand Pavilion, she has shown significant improvements. The physical therapy team combined with the nursing staff and every discipline has made it possible for her to require less assistance than when she first arrived to The Grand Pavilion. At The Grand Pavilion we look forward to our residents gaining their independence back and we’re ecstatic that Miss Ohagen had the ambition to do so and the family support to inspire her. She set out goals and accomplished them. She is happy to be back on her feet. We would like to wish her nothing but good health as it has been a pleasure to have her here as a part of our family.