Patients Age: 71 Years old
Admission Date: 9/27/16
Admitted From: SJRH
Discharge Date: 2/26/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay 152 Days
Reason for Stay: Spondylolisthesis
How did this patient hear about Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center? Hospital referral
Janice was admitted to Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on September 27,2016 from Saint John’s Riverside Hospital with a Diagnosis of Spondylolisthesis, a spinal disorder. She also presented with secondary diagnoses include that of gerd, hypotension and hyperlipidemia. When Janice was initially assessed by our therapy department, Janice required maximum assistance with all ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living), bed mobility and transfers. Janice was unable to ambulate due to her pain. As time passed, Janice made slow but steady progress via restorative, adaptive and compensatory strategies.
While at Sans Souci, Janice was a pleasure on the floors. She was involved in all of the daily recreational programs and made the best of her time. While Janice was almost at the finish line, her lack of being able to walk up a flight of stairs held her from discharge. There was a period of time where Janice was not certain if she could return home, pondering the reality of potentially selecting a long term care center. Despite recurring adversity and struggle, Janice persevered and continued making the necessary progress in efforts of willfully returning home. As Janice began to make great progress, she started to walk 125 feet with contact guard assist, performance of transfers with supervision and the ability to transfer into and out of bed with modified independence.
Janice was also able to ascend and descend 15 steps with bilateral handrails for support. Janice did so well that she was notified with the incredible news that she was able to return home on February 26th, 2017 with appropriate home health services. Janice shared that she would like thank the amazing rehab and nursing teams for the wonderful work they did to ensure she could make a successful recovery.