Patient Name: Bobbye Allen
Patient Age: 84
Admission Date: 10/1/17
Admitted From: Sumner Regional Medical Center
Discharge Date: 12/05/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 10/1/17-12/5/17
Reason for Stay: Pneumonia
How did patient hear about Gallatin Center? Chelsea Groce
Details of Experience:
On October 1st, Bobbye Allen was transferred from Sumner Regional Medical Center with an arriving diagnosis of pneumonia . When arriving upon admission at Gallatin Center, Bobbye was greeted by her nurse and techs. Throughout the next few days, Bobbye met several other department managers including that of the concierge to discuss recreational programming, menus, therapy, and person-centered evaluations to get to know Bobbye as an individual and what her interests.
When Bobbye began therapy, she was dependent with transferring and assisting herself to daily needs and desires, with the help of the stellar therapy team including that of Lordez, Kacey, Robert, Jessica, Bridgett , and Cindy! Over the course of the weeks to follow, Bobbye is now able to complete daily tasks with only minimal assistance and verbal cuing. Bobbye’s favorite part of being at Gallatin Center was the pet therapy program as she was able to spend time with the friendly fury friends that visited her room at her room.
Bobbye looks forward to returning home, but she shared that Gallatin was “a very nice place and the people are very friendly here.” Bobbye plans to discharge home on Tuesday, December 5th. We are all thrilled that she will be able to spend the holidays at home with her loved ones. Best wishes, Bobbye! We pray for continued health, success, and strength for you in 2018!