Patients Age: 29
Admission Date: 1/16/18
Admitted From: Helen Hayes Hospital
Discharge Date: 4/9/18
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 11 Weeks
Reason for Stay: Acute pneumonia and anoxic encephalopathy following head injury
How did Patient hear about The Enclave at Port Chester? Hospital Social Worker
Details of Experience:
John was admitted to The Enclave at Port Chester Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on January 16th, 2018 from Helen Hayes Hospital. He had been recuperating since mid-December following an injury to the head, which was exacerbated by acute pneumonia, leading to anoxic encephalopathy leaving him severely compromised. With a long road ahead of him, the comprehensive nursing team and members of the administrative staff welcomed John to ease his transition into this next chapter of his recuperation.
The nurse manager Liby, met with John to assess his progress and ensure proper care would be administered as necessary. She carefully examined his tracheostomy and PEG tube site’s, which still needed attention following their being discharged shortly before his coming to The Enclave. The speech therapist, Mike, performed his assessment to improve cognitive-linguistic skills and communication abilities along with the physical and occupational therapists. Short term goals were set to increase independence with ADL’s to moderate assist for toileting and transfers and contact guard assist (CGA) for hygiene.
Liby noticed that John seemed very tired which was impacting his ability to participate to the best of his abilities in therapy. After consulting with Dr. Bhuddavarapu, the primary care physician, John was started on an IV and antibiotics to ensure proper hydration and prevent deterioration of his health. John was visibly improving and could fully take part in therapy sessions after being put on his new regimen
John began regaining his strength to perform tasks more independently and succeeded in reaching his short-term goals one week into February. He was able to perform hygiene care with CGA and lower body dressing. The next set of goals was targeted to get him increasingly independent without assistive devices, as he had been prior to his initial hospitalization. At the end of March, John was once again performing all ADL’s, including toileting, self-care, and dressing independently.
Regaining the strength needed for climbing stairs and walking unassisted took more time with the physical therapy team. On April 9th, John was discharged back home a reinvigorated person. Indoors he could ambulate entirely independently, while he would use a straight cane when walking outdoors. He could climb more than 15 stairs unaided and had improved from a mid-March Tinetti Assessment of 15/28, indicating high risk of falls, to 24/28 indicating a significant decrease in risks for falls. He could perform functional transfers independently. John was escorted out walking independently anticipating his return to living independently. It was an honor to assist John in his recovery at The Enclave.