Patient’s Age: 79-years-old
Admission Date: 10/03/2019
Admitted From: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
Discharge Date: 11/01/2019
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 28 Days
Reason for Stay: Short-term rehabilitation
How did this patient hear about The Riverside?: Hospital Social Worker

Details of experience:
Mrs. Frenchie was admitted to Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center on September 15, 2019, as a result of a fall in a movie theater. According to the patient, she attended the premiere of a major movie and was eagerly waiting for her friends to arrive. She left her scarf along with a few chairs, as a means of preserving them. Slowly, moviegoers filled into the theater in hopes of getting the best spots that were open. One of her friends arrived and sat in the reserved seat she held for him. Out of habit she always sits at the end of the aisle. She pulled the scarf off the chairs and dropped it near the steps. With poor lighting and having difficulty with her vision, she began searching for the scarf. As she stated she bent down to pick it up and lost her balance. She grabbed the handrail with her left hand, to help keep her balanced, but did not see how close the step was. With her leg not being able to find the step she fell, leaving her face exposed to the steps. Her hand holding the railing was twisted during the fall, and she tried to use her left hand to break her fall.

The movie theaters management turned on the house lights, EMS who were already in the theater were able to find her. EMS reported she was questioned about the events leading to the fall, and if she lost consciousness. Frenchie replied I do not recall falling, but was in a lot of pain. Her friend escorted Frenchie to the hospital for further evaluation.

Medical staff conducted a battery of exams and found she broke multiple ribs, had stage 1 trauma to the head, and a small hairline fracture to her right wrist. The therapist determined she had decreased safety awareness, limited ability to stand, limited range of motion, limited ability for self-care, not able to walk 60 feet, and memory impairment. The staff at Columbia Presbyterian recommend Frenchie that she should go to a skilled nursing facility, in efforts of continuing therapy. The hospital social worker informed her of several skilled nursing facilities that will be able to cater to her needs. After careful deliberation, she picked The Riverside.

Upon arrival at The Riverside, Mrs. Frenchie was greeted by department managers and various staff. The concierge team was there upon arrival to offer her a Riverside greeting bag; as well as our personal assurance that if there is anything she needed from us that we would be there for her. There were 2 things Frenchie wanted more than anything in the world. That was to get her hair done and have a manicure. Within an hour of her request, her hair appointment was scheduled for the very next day. As for her manicure, Concierge, Alex Delarosa made it her personal mission to give her a manicure.

Over the course of a few weeks, Frenchie was making significant progress. Her doctor told her she might need to continue physical and occupational therapy for the next 3 months. Frenchie made it her personal mission to push herself even when not receiving PT/OT. She participated in Urban Zen, Zumba, many recreational activities, and practiced everything she learned. In the short time, she was residing at the Riverside, she was able to make significant progress, to the point she no longer needed a wheelchair, and her walker was being used just to hold clothing. With multiple departments agreeing she has made significant progress. Her memory was returning all most back to normal, she was able to ambulate independently, and was walking well over 60 feet.

With only success going in her direction, the different teams agreed Frenchie was ready to discharge. On November 1st, 2019, Frenchie walked out of The Riverside, taking in a giant breath of air, and said the following. “I wonder what movie I should see tonight.” On behalf of The Riverside, we wish Mrs. Frenchie all the best in her future!