Concierge Name: Deaven Golding
Patient’s Name: Sheila
Patient’s Age: 70-years-old
Admission Date: 11/29/19
Admitted From: Stone Crest, Smyrna, TN
Discharge Date: projected to be 12/17/19
Discharged To: Assisted Living Facility
Length of Stay: If she discharges on 12/17, she will be here 19 days total
Reason for Stay: Right leg amputated in November 2019
How did patient hear about Bethany Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? Her vascular surgeon recommended our community.

Details of Experience:
Sheila went to the ER in early November because her right foot had become a cause for concern and beginning to discolor. The doctors located a blood clot in her foot and tried to dissolve the clot with several different techniques, but were unable to do so. On November 18th, the doctors felt amputation was the appropriate next step. Sheila’s right leg was amputated below the knee and the patient remained in the hospital until she was transferred to Bethany on November 29th.

The Concierge was able to meet with her the first day and found her so positive, with the brightest smile on her face. The staff could already tell she was very independent. Sheila explained she was very excited to be at Bethany, so she could build her strength up and move into an assisted living community.

The Concierge also met with the patient’s therapists to discuss her goals. She is always excited to be going to therapy and looked forward to learning additional techniques to support her independence. Some of the interventions include transfers in and out of the bed, as well as car transfers, upper body strength, left leg strength, bed mobility, and getting her used to moving around in a kitchen.

From what the therapists have shared, she is excelling in her therapy. Sheila expressed to me her late husband utilized a wheelchair and she was familiar with some of the techniques already, believing that has helped her. The Amputee Walking School is going to meet with her on December 10th to answer some of her questions and get her in contact with the right people. She is very excited to meet with them and hopes she can have a prosthetic fit for her in the future.

Sheila is excited to continue and finish therapy here at Bethany. Often times, as you walk by her room you will see her sitting in her bed or chair doing exercises on her own. She is ready to move to Texas and be on her own again but told me she is thankful for this opportunity to come to Bethany and meet new friends.