Patient’s Age: 55-years-old
Admission Date: 05/26/20
Admitted From: St. Joseph’s Medical Center
Discharge Date: 07/06/20
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 6 weeks
Reason for Stay: Pneumonia due to COVID-19, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, DVT.
How did this patient hear about Sans Souci? Hospital recommendation

Details of Experience:
Mr. Tiburcio arrived at Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on May 26, 2020, from St. Joseph’s Medical Center. Prior to coming to Sans Souci, Mr. Tiburcio experienced difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Mr. Tiburcio was admitted to status post-COVID-19 from the hospital and was oxygen dependent, as a result. Mr. Tiburcio was referred to as Sans Souci to begin receiving PT, OT, respiratory therapy, and nursing care.

Upon admission, Mr. Tiburcio was greeted by members of the Sans Souci interdisciplinary team. The team welcomed Mr. Tiburcio to our community and conducted evaluations to custom tailor the patient’s stay. Mr. Tiburcio required a wheelchair for ambulation at the time of admission.

Prior to his hospital stay, he was living independently and required no assistive devices. Mr. Tibucio began working with our Physical Therapist, Danilo Regala, DPT, and Occupational Therapist, Cheryl Matthews, OTR/L, to regain functional independence. He also began working with our respiratory therapist, Terrence Seymour, to begin the process of weaning off oxygen and utilizing room air for breathing. The patient required 15 liters of oxygen at the time of admission.

Upon evaluation, Mr. Tiburcio required supervision with a 40-foot distance in ambulation with a rolling walker, total dependence navigating stairs, moderate assistance with bed mobilities, and ADL’s (activities of daily living). Mr. Tiburcio’s therapy goals were to be able to perform bed motilities, ADL’s, functional transfers, navigate four stair steps on the community stairs, and walk a distance of 300 ft. without requiring assistance.

After two weeks of working with respiratory therapy, Mr. Tiburcio only required 10 liters of oxygen. Mr. Tiburcio reacted well to the nursing care received and began to feel better. He could perform wheelchair propulsion of 300 feet without exertion for 5 minutes. He was able to use a rolling walker to ambulate distances of 150 feet, navigate 3 steps on the stairs, and was upgraded to minimal assistance with many ADL’s.

During his stay, Mr. Tiburcio was an active participant at our daily recreation programming with Recreation Therapist, Omar Garcia. One month into his stay, Mr. Tiburcio was upgraded to requiring only four liters of portable oxygen. Mr. Tiburcio continued to progress with his ADL’s and was now able to ambulate a distance of 300 feet with a rolling walker with modified independence. The patient could now ascend and descend 15 steps on the community stairs without experiencing shortness of breath, using modified independence. One week prior to discharge, Mr. Tiburcio had made significant strides in his respiratory therapy sessions. He now breathed utilizing only room air. Mr. Tiburcio continued to make progress with his OT and PT sessions and was able to safely ambulate unlimited distances, navigate stairs, and perform ADL’s independently.

Upon discharge, Mr. Tiburcio shared, “I was sent to recover at Sans Souci Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, after beating the Coronavirus. It left my lungs severely inflamed and gave me two blood clots. The medical staff, nursing staff, PT, OT, respiratory staff, and housekeeping department all made sure that my stay and recovery was as fast and pleasant as possible. Sans Souci provided me specialized and individualized treatment and care. This center is like the Taj Mahal of all rehab centers and I would highly recommend it to others.”