Patients Age: 92-years-old
Admission Date: 08/13/20
Admitted From: Southern Hills Hospital
Discharge Date: 09/02/20
Length of Stay: 20 days
Reason for Stay: Generalized weakness and pain in lower extremities
How did this patient hear about Quality Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? This patient’s husband lives at Bethany Center long term.
Details of experience:
Norma was excited to be admitted to Bethany because her husband is in the community as well, but she was not excited about why she was being admitted. Norma lives in an assisted living facility and was mostly independent with her Activities of Daily Living. One morning, she felt a lot of pain in her lower extremities and noticed she has been weaker. Norma shared, “I didn’t fall or anything, I was just having trouble walking with my walker and keeping my balance. I was afraid I was going to fall.”
She spent a few days in the hospital at Southern Hills for IV fluids to keep her hydrated. After her stay, she came to Bethany Center. Upon admission, she was greeted by the Concierge, Nursing Admissions, and her Rehabilitation Therapists. Therapy administered their initial evaluation immediately. The Rehabilitation team wanted to get Norma up and walking. Norma stated her goal was to go back to her assisted living home and walk by herself with her walker. One of the first things the therapist did was assist Norma with a balancing test. The scale on the balancing test runs from 1-23, with 23 being the best. Norma’s first try on it she ranked at 13. After about a week of progress, strengthening exercises in her legs, appropriate medication, and positivity; Norma was administered a balance test for the second time, and she ranked 17 out of 23. Her goal was to reach a 20 or above.
Norma was ecstatic to hear she got up to 17 and was willing to continue to try her hardest to reach her goal of 20. Each day she noticed she was getting stronger and stronger. She stated, “When I first got here, I had to have two people help me up to the bathroom with my walker and now it only takes one, so soon it should take no one.” Norma continued to do her exercises with therapy and in her room sitting on her bed. Her outlook turned more positive because she became stronger and more independent. Therapy administered the balance test one last time before she discharged, she ranked 20 out of 23. She reached her goal! Norma was so happy and excited, she even started to cry. It was an honor having Norma at Bethany Center and to witness the bond between her and her husband.
We wish Norma the best!