Patient’s Age: 58-years-old
Patient’s Name: Haim W.
Admission Date: 06/09/20
Admitted From: Skilled Nursing Facility
Discharge Date: 09/17/20
Discharge To: Home
Length of Stay: 3 Months
Reason for Stay: Amputee because of COVID-19
How did this patient hear about The Chateau at Brooklyn Rehabilitation and Nursing Center? Google Reviews

Details of experience:
Haim W. was admitted to The Chateau At Brooklyn from another Skilled Nursing Facility after his outcomes did not align with his expectations. He was originally in the hospital due to COVID-19 and, after suffering an embolism and having two surgeries, the doctors in the hospital executed a below the knee amputation. The decision was made by Haim’s Daughter Sima for him to join the family at The Chateau at Brooklyn after l seeing Google reviews shared by previous patients and family members.

When Haim arrived at The Chateau, he was nervous but determined to return home, independently able to take care of himself. Shortly after he arrived, his newly renovated room and warm, friendly interdisciplinary staff which greeted him, relieved his concerns and he refocused on his recovery. The Rehabilitation team worked closely with Haim, creating an individualized treatment plan to assist with building strength in preparation for his prosthetic. Haim met all of his short term and long term goals. Many of these goals were reached through inspiration, mentoring and coaching from Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler, Paralympic Gold Medalists, who have mentored over 20,000 amputees worldwide. Through CareRite’s signature Amputee Walking School, Todd and Dennis, in conjunction with the Rehabilitation team, oversaw the Comprehensive Amputee Rehabilitation Program (CARP) for Haim. For more information regarding CareRite’s Amputee Walking School program, please visit

Throughout Haim’s stay, he was pleased with how the staff took care of him. Before he was discharged, Haim shared, “If not for the therapist, I would not have been able to walk again. They really saved me. My physical therapist Rodica Preda was amazing and my occupational therapist Astrud Bryan was phenomenal.” He also mentioned, “Dennis and Todd pushed him throughout his whole stay to really see the light at the end of the tunnel.” It was a beautiful Thursday morning, September 17, 2020, and Haim was up extra early to get home. He was grateful he was able to go home before the Jewish New Year. It was a bittersweet moment for his therapist, staff, Dennis, and Todd to witness his triumphant discharge.

The team at The Chateau at Brooklyn Rehabilitation and Nursing Center wish him much joy on his continued journey.