Patient’s Age: 72-years-old
Admission Date: 06/09/20
Admitted From: LIJ- Forest Hills
Discharge Date: 10/06/20
Discharged to: Home
Length of Stay: 4 months
Reason for Stay: Help with rehab for injured lumbar along with getting over the flu
How did this patient hear about Glengariff Rehabilitation & Nursing Center? Did research of local Rehabilitation Facilities in the area
Details of Experience:
First, I would like to say thank you to Ms. Linda H. for agreeing to be such an enthusiastic participant in this case study. Ms. H. was admitted to Glengariff on June 9th, 2020 from Long Island Jewish Hospital located in Forest Hills, New York. She had fractured her left lumbar and had required surgery. She found she would need rehabilitation through physical therapy to get back on her feet. She chose to come to Glengariff, after she and her daughter completed extensive research on a variety of rehabilitation communities in the area.
Upon arriving, Ms. H. noticed our beautiful and extravagant fish tank that greets everyone as soon as they enter the building. As she was headed towards the elevators, she noticed our Starbucks sign, and immediately made sure she let everyone know that she would partake, as often as someone was willing to come down and make her a cup. As always, our Director of Admissions, Receptionist, a member of the Concierge Team, Director of Nursing, and Social Worker all greeted her before she headed up to get settled into her new room. Within the first 48 hours our Director of Dietary made sure all her requests for meals were being met, while coinciding with her dietary restrictions. She was made aware of the uses of the phone along with the remote/call bell, given a list of all our channels that are available along with the stations that follow. She met her unit nurse along with her aides who would be taking care of her and making sure she received the best treatment possible. Ms. H. was also made aware of the activities schedule that was posted on all resident’s cork boards in their rooms, and those were programs she wanted to participate in, as long as she was physically able.
Unfortunately, within the first three weeks of arriving at Glengariff, Ms. H. came down with a severe case of the flu and progress slowed, as her health was tested. As always, our team made sure we supported the patient physically and emotionally and returned her to physical therapy, as quickly as possible. When Linda overcame the flu, she made a note that she just wanted to take five steps by herself because she hasn’t in several weeks. Seeming like such a small task, we all understood what she has been through and the battle she was still fighting. Assisting the patient in achieving their goals is what we do, and so as soon as our physical therapist started with her day-to-day physical therapy, she made amazing achievements and was able to walk 5 feet with assistance. She wanted to stay persistent and keep pushing forward which was amazing to see. To no one’s surprise, Ms. H. was up to 25 feet and then 75 feet with minimal help within two weeks.
Linda loved to speak about her profession…a fashion editor and makeup columnist, and constantly reiterated how self-sufficient she was. Determination is always something we love to see here, so we were always happy to see her progress. Within the following weeks she was walking 80-90 feet with minimal help. She, along with the team were determined to herald these achievements and made sure we reached them.
Getting closer and closer to discharge, Linda could not hold back her emotions and gratitude to Glengariff for our helping hand. “From beginning to end, the staff here were amazing. Not one day went by where I felt alone in this journey. You all took down my goals in your mental or physical notepad and made sure I did not give up and reached those goals. I thank you for not giving up on me because if you did, it would have been that much easier for me to give up on myself.” She wanted to make sure to give a little more recognition to John and Lisa, our physical therapist here that “seen her through until the end”.
On October 6th, 2020, Ms. H. was preparing for discharge. It was a bittersweet day for our staff here, but still an extremely happy feeling. After she was all packed up and ready to leave, she had to make her rounds to see all the people that greeted her when she first arrived, along with some other friends she made along the way. She made sure to see the administrator before getting in the car with her brother to make the trip home, to express her gratitude and love for the staff that got her back to moving again.
Simon, our Administrator, was over the moon with happiness for both herself and our staff for continuing our tradition of making the CareRite difference and making sure upon discharge all residents leave us better than they came. She made sure to leave a review but was upset that she could not name each and every one by name.