Patient’s Age: 85-years-old
Admission Date: 09/08/20
Admitted From: Putnam Hospital Center
Discharge Date: 10/01/20
Length of Stay: 23 days
Discharged To: Home
Reason for Stay: Subacute Rehab for Right total hip replacement
How did this patient hear about The Paramount at Somers? Hospital Referral

Details of Experience:
Theresa C. is an 85-year-old female who was welcomed to The Paramount at Somers Rehabilitation and Nursing Center for short-term subacute rehab from Putnam Hospital Center following treatment for right total hip replacement.

Prior to her admission, Theresa was independent with her ADL’s (activities of daily living). She lives in a private house with husband, son and daughter-in-law.

She has 3 steps to enter the home. Once inside she has 6 steps to the main living area and another 6 steps to her bedroom and bathroom both with bilateral handrails.

Upon initial evaluation, Mrs. C. presented with a decrease in strength, decrease in functional mobility, decrease in transfers, decrease in range of motion of RLE, reduced functional activity tolerance, reduced static and dynamic balance, decreased coordination, increased need for assistance from others and reduced ADL participation. She required assistance with bed mobility, transfers, ambulation and stairs. At time of evaluation, she reported pain with movement 9/10. Her goal for therapy was to walk independently as she did prior to her surgery and return home.

Theresa was highly motivated to return to her prior level of functioning. She was always prepared for therapy and an active participant. She showed improvement after application of a vasopneumatic compression device for pain management. Over the weeks, Theresa participated in therapeutic activities and general strengthening exercises and slowly gained back her independence. She began therapy with the use of a wheelchair for functional mobility. As she gained her strength and her balance improved she was able to transition to a front wheel walker and finally to a rollator, reaching her prior level of function. She was trained in the use of compensatory strategies and adaptive equipment for lower body dressing secondary to total hip precautions with good carryover. Overall, Theresa had a successful rehabilitation and returned home to her family at her prior level of function.

From the staff at the Paramount we wish you all the best!