Patient’s Age: 88-years-old
Admission Date: 08/24/2020
Admitted From: South Nassau Communities Hospital
Discharge Date: 11/27/20
Discharge to: Home
Length-of-stay: 94 days
Reason for Stay: Fracture in the pelvis due to fall
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion: Her Social Worker at South Nassau hospital referred her to come to GP!
Details of Experience:
Lila Fischer was admitted to South Nassau Hospital on August 13th, 2020 due to a fall on concrete floor, which caused her to fracture her pelvis and multiple ribs. She was then admitted to The Grand Pavilion on August 24th. Upon her arrival to the Grand Pavilion, Mrs. Fischer was welcomed and made comfortable by members of our clinical team including: Concierge, Nursing, Rehab and Social Work.
The patient was greeted and evaluated by our dedicated therapy team, where it was determined that Mrs. Fischer was in the need of intense physical and occupational therapy. Due to her fall, the patient had decreased performance with ADL’S (activities of daily living),. Mrs. Fischer presented with lower back pain, limiting ability to stand for prolonged periods of time. As much as Mrs. Fischer misses her home and community she is very happy at The Grand Pavilion. She mentioned that she is being treated with respect and dignity by the dedicated staff. Mrs. Fischer stated, “I really appreciate their kindness. Mariam went out of her way for me, and she is so kind.”
As she worked very hard to reach her goals, it was to no one’s surprise that she was enjoying great progress. After a short period of time working consistently with her therapists, she was able to ambulate 200 ft independently. During her Concierge evaluation, Mrs. Fischer was in tears, as she remembered the day she came into The Grand Pavilion and was unable to raise herself from the bed without the assistance of two staff members. She also stated how she loved working with her physical and occupational therapists Marian and Sofia.
Mrs. Fischer very much appreciated all the staff that cared for her and rated us a 10/10. Mrs. Fischer went out of her way to thank her Nursing Aides, Valentine, Sharon, Bibi(1st fl), Bibi(2nd fl), and Sharon for always taking care of her needs and making her feel comfortable. The Grand Pavilion is delighted that she is returning home safely.
The Grand Pavilion team sends well wishes and continued health prayers for Mrs. Fischer and is proud of the challenges she conquered and the goals that she reached.