Patient’s Age: 90-years-old
Initial Admission Date: 01/14/21
Admission (re-entry) Date: 01/30/21
Admitted From: Overlook Medical Center
Discharge Date: TBD
Reason for Stay: Ischemic Bowel Disease
How did this patient hear about Chatham Hills? The patient has been a previous patient at Chatham Hills.

Details of Experience:
Antonietta was admitted to Overlook Medical Center on January 14, 2021, with severe abdomen pain. She was diagnosed with ischemic bowel disease and was scheduled to undergo a procedure. After a successful procedure and small-bowel resection, Antonietta felt well and felt like she was improving daily. Antonietta’s life at home is filled with love, and she is always surrounded by people who care about her. When she found out she required subacute rehabilitation, she knew she wanted to go to a community where she felt that same love and care, Chatham Hills Subacute Care Center.

Antonietta was admitted to Chatham Hills on January 22, 2021. She has been to Chatham Hills before, so she could see familiar faces when she arrived. The Admission team greeted her to welcome her and ensure she had everything she needed to be comfortable during her stay.
Antonietta was ready to start her recovery. She was independent before admission and knew she had to stay motivated to get back there. Her goal upon admission was “to get stronger, get back to where I was and return home.” The community’s highly-trained therapy team knew she would benefit from a personalized PT/OT plan. During her initial assessment, she presented with decreased endurance, poor tolerance to position changes, and required maximum assistance for daily living activities.

After both hospitalizations, Antonietta was not ready to back down. She stated, “I’m on the road to recovery because of therapy here.” After participating in strengthening activities and different interventions to increase her activity tolerance, Antonietta increased her functional mobility, during her activities of daily living, from maximum assistance to modified independence! She was starting to feel like her old self again and could not have been happier.

For people with such a close bond to their loved ones, it can feel heartbreaking to spend your birthday without them, especially your 90th birthday! While Antonietta was here, her 90th birthday approached fast. The Director of Concierge Services and the Recreation department teamed together to make sure she was surprised like a queen for the day. She was surprised with lots of balloons, gifts, and encouraging words from her Chatham Hills family. She stated, “even though I was not home for my 90th birthday, I felt at home here. Chatham Hills is my family, and they treat me like their family also.”

As her discharge date is approaching fast, the Director of Concierge Services visited Antonietta to ensure everything was set up for her. Antonietta stated, “When I got here, I was flat on my back. How I progressed was unbelievable. The therapy was fantastic. That is the only word I have for it. Not that it was easy, but they pushed me in the best way, and I was willing to do the work. I love this Chatham Hills family. My nurses and aides were amazing. One was as good as the next. They made sure I was comfortable and had everything I needed. The concierge here is the best; she is the most caring. From how I came in to what I am now is a huge difference. I would recommend Chatham Hills to anyone.”

Team Chatham Hills is thrilled to congratulate Antonietta for all her focus, determination, and positive spirit to reach her set goals. Her inviting smile and warm personality will be missed, but we are happy she is returning to her family and loving dog, Brooke!