Concierge Director: Shannon Oakley
Patient Age: 77 years old
Admission Date: 1/9/21
Discharge Date: 5/27/21
Discharged To: ALF
Length of Stay: 138 days
Reason for Stay: Post multiple falls, and lumbar laminectomy
How did this patient hear about Lebanon Center for Rehabilitation and Healing? The hospital recommended him to our facility.

Details of Experience:
Ms. Hughes came to our facility from the hospital after falling multiple times and having a lumbar laminectomy. Ms. Hughes arrived at Lebanon Center and required a max A for transfers and all self-care tasks. She also depended on a wheelchair for safe mobility. Socially, at first, Ms. Hughes did not participate in activities in the facility. 

Cognitive deficits and poor safety awareness coupled with confusion were also present on admission. Ms. Hughes began to open up with staff and her fellow residents as the weeks went by. She worked diligently with the therapy team to reach the goals set with her when she arrived.

Discharged from therapy, Ms. Hughes was able to ambulate with her RW and SBA. She was completing toileting tasks and dressing activities with CGA. Ms. Hughes was once again able to care for herself with little to no assistance. She enjoyed playing bingo with other residents and sitting in the common area, socializing amongst her peers.

After being discharged from therapy, she could still continue services as the patient was in long-term care here at Lebanon Center. This has allowed her to grow more independent and self-reliant on day-to-day activities. She made strong gains and ambulated with a rolling walker independently, no longer relying on her wheelchair. Ms. Hughes is able to complete her ADL routine with increased independence safely. 

Ms. Hughes is returning to Wilson Manor ALF. She is excited to be able to go back and maintain her independence. Ms. Hughes stated,” thank you for all you all have done.” Ms. Hughes has been a delight to know and care for.

We truly wish her the best for a bright and healthy future.