Concierge: Marialcira Hernandez
Patient’s Age: 73 years old
Admission Date: 08/10/2021
Discharge Date: 09/09/2021
Discharged to: Home
Reason for stay: Left pelvic fracture

Details of Experience:
Mrs. Haedo is a 73 years old female admitted to Palmetto Subacute Care Center on 08/10/21 due to a left pubic ramus fracture. She was in a motor vehicle crash on 08/07/21, resulting in a hospital stay from 08/07/21 to 08/10/21 at Kendall Regional Medical Center. After evaluation with the Orthopedist at the hospital, no surgical intervention was recommended, and the patient would benefit from skilled physical therapy. Mrs. Haedo, the Hospital’s Social Worker, and her family discussed her options and chose Palmetto Subacute for her rehabilitation stay.

Upon arrival, Mrs. Haedo was greeted by the Concierge, Social Worker, Nurse, and Rehabilitation Team. At the time of the evaluation, she presented with functional decline, as evidenced by increased assistance by caregivers with her activities of daily living (ADL’s), decreased functional bed mobility, transfers, ambulation, decreased sitting and standing static and dynamic balance and strength. She did all the activities with maximum assistance and was unable to ambulate. Before the accident, Mrs. Haedo was able to perform her ADL’s and ambulate independently and reside in her home with family.

Mrs. Haedo and her family discussed with the team her care plan and goals. Treatment started immediately. The treatment approach included therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular reeducation, gait training therapy, therapeutic activities, and self-care management training.

Mrs. Haedo enjoyed her journey at Palmetto and loved to participate in the activities scheduled by our Activity Department. She also enjoys watching TV, listening to instrumental music, and reading the newspaper. She demonstrated a lot of commitment, good rehab potential, and strong family support.

Mrs. Haedo was discharged to home on 09/09/2021 with a recommendation of home health services and a home exercise program. Upon discharge, Mrs. Haedo had gains in strength that improved her ability to perform all functional transfers with contact guard assistance, bed mobility tasks with stand-by assistance, and 90 feet total gait distance using a rolling walker on a level surface with contact guard assistance. She also performs her ADL’s safely and efficiently with supervision.

The Palmetto Subacute Care Center team is very proud of Mrs. Haedo’s commitment to achieving her goals! We are going to miss you!