Concierge Director: Kay Weir
Patient’s Name: Jeff Williamson
Patient Age: 56
Admission Date: 3/10/21
Admitted From: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Discharge Date: pending date 10/18/2021
Discharged to: His home with daughter
Length of Stay: 222 days
Reason for Stay: 24/7 Skilled Nursing physical, occupational, and speech therapy
How did the patient hear about Quality Center? Patient referred by Vanderbilt University MC.
Details of Experience:
Mr. Jeff Williamson arrived at Quality Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on March 10th, 2021, following an extended stay at Vanderbilt Medical Center – Nashville. Mr. Jeff was referred to Quality Center for speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Mr. Williamson had been hospitalized at Vanderbilt for various medical complications stemming from muscle weakness, cutaneous abscess of left foot, and lower back pain, causing him to be limited in self-care.
Upon Mr. Williamson’s arrival, he was greeted by several members of our professional team. Within his first 24 hours, Mr. Jeff met with clinicians, therapists, our physician, administrative staff, and other members of our team, who welcomed him and answered all questions. Jackie was also greeted by the Director of Concierge, Kay Weir, who presented him with a CareRite welcome bag and her warm attentiveness, which she provides to all of the Quality residents and families.
Mr.Williamson had his therapy assessment performed by Chandelle Hackett. He was an assist for sitting up in bed, sitting on the side of the bed, toileting, and transfers. He was non-weight bearing on his left foot.
Due to the multiple health issues Jeff had been facing, he gave up on getting better and going home. He stated he never imagined himself being totally dependent on staff for nearly everything. After a few days, he was highly motivated by our therapy team, his caregivers, and talks with his daughter, who all cheered him on not to give up! He has done just that. Mr. Jeff was very weak from all the infections in his body, spine, and heart. He couldn’t eat and was losing weight. The therapists set goals for him to become more functional and gain his weight back to go home. Mr. Williamson stated he didn’t think he would live, as he was in constant pain for the first month. But he was ready to challenge himself to get back to living and enjoy his life at home with his daughter and grandchildren.
Mr. Williamson has made incredible progress in the last few months. In the beginning, he was non-weight-bearing on his left foot and total assist of his daily adult living. Prior to discharge, he was walking 75 ft x 1 with his walker to 150 ft supervision to now being able to walk independently 350 ft with a cane. He is very thankful for everything therapy has done for him. He stated, “He would highly recommend anyone to our community for help and gave the facility a high rating of 9-10. The staff is great, loving, and friendly.”
If he ever needs rehab again, he will return to us. Mr. Jeff will be discharged home with caregiver assistance and the help of his daughter.