Concierge Director: Kevuntez D. King
Patient Name: William Johnson
Patient’s Age: 70
Admission Date: 12/21/2021
Admitted From: St. Thomas Midtown
Discharge To: Knowles Assisted Living
Length of Stay: 70 days (3months, ten days)
Reason for Stay: Post Spinal Surgery Rehabilitation
How did the patient hear about Nashville Center? His surgeon at St. Thomas referred him.

Details of Experience:

After discovering his two big toes to be noticeably infected, Mr. William Johnson was admitted to St. Thomas Midtown. He informed his neighbor of the infection, and the neighbor immediately proceeded to call 911. After being admitted, several Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) were taken, and that’s when doctors informed him of the diagnosis of cellulitis and a spinal epidural abscess, which required surgical intervention and removal of some of the spine. Mr. Johnson admits that he didn’t prepare for this time of his life, so he looked for guidance in rehab through his Doctor at St. Thomas Midtown. Through their research, it was found that Nashville Center was one of the most recommended rehab centers in Nashville, Tennessee. 

During Mr. Johnson’s initial Physical Therapy evaluation, he was near to completely immobile. Mr. Johnson had the goal to be fully mobile. When he was admitted, the only thing that he could do was roll out of bed and take a couple of steps with a walker with physical therapy assistance. Although Nashville Center was highly recommended, everything was very hazy to him after his surgery, so he didn’t know what was ahead of him. Mr. Johnson was having horrible panic attacks when he arrived, and a nurse named Rita helped him through those panic attacks by holding his hand and talking him back to reality. Mr. Johnson stated, “The nurses and the techs at Nashville Center stuck by me, I know I tried their patience, but I was in serious pain. They recognized that and worked with me day by day. I didn’t think I would ever be able to get out of bed again!” Mr. Johnson feels that at Nashville Center, you are receiving total care from mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical and the cleanliness of the building is a plus. 

Initially, upon arrival, Mr. Johnson did not expect to make the tremendous strides that he did with our therapist team. Mr. Johnson could not get out of bed alone and was essentially bed-bound for his first 30 days. Now, after 3.5 months of rehabilitation and lifestyle changes adopted during physical therapy intervention, he now completes all functional mobility with a walker, and he can even walk 650 feet without any assistance. He scored perfectly on the balance test and can ascend and descend 20-25 steps without assistance. 

Mr. William Johnson wanted to close with this, “I didn’t prepare for this time of my life. I never thought about the day I’d be 70, I was just living day by day, but this place has been monumental in my journey to recovery. It’s like I’ve been given another chance, I thank God, and I thank the Nashville Center for helping me get to this point in my recovery journey.”