Concierge Director: Karissa Chiantella
Patient’s Age: 74
Admission Date: 5/10/22
Admitted From: LIJ Forest Hills
Discharge Date: 7/11/22
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 63 days
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation
How Did the Patient Hear About Glengariff? Wife’s co-worker

Details of experience:

Richard had an upper respiratory infection, so he went to Hospital to get it checked out. He was admitted for Covid and COPD on April 22nd. Imaging was taken, which revealed a lung lesion, and Richard was diagnosed with lung cancer. He underwent lung surgery, where Dr. Jurato removed 2/3 of his lung. Richard was in a semi-coma post-surgery, and on the 5th day, he opened his eyes. He had no appetite and was too weak to do anything. After being at the Hospital for weeks without walking, Richard needed to get his strength back and was recommended to get therapy.

Upon arrival at Glengariff, the supervising nurse and concierge greeted him. Richard was immobile as he hadn’t walked for three weeks. Prior to his hospitalization, he had a full-time job and was working, so his goal was to be able to get back to work and walk as he did before his hospitalization. At the Hospital, they were using a Hoyer lift to get him out of bed.

During his therapy evaluation, he couldn’t lift his legs and even had difficulty picking up items like his phone. With moderate assistance, he was able to walk 5 feet. He could not walk up the stairs and needed moderate assistance with transfers and maximum assistance for functional mobility during ADLs and toileting.

Richard received physical therapy in the morning and occupational therapy in the afternoon, and after five weeks, he walked 100 feet with a rollator walker with assistance. At the time of discharge, Richard was able to walk with a quad cane 50 feet and 150 feet with a rollator walker with standby assistance. As for transfers, Richard is now able to transfer supervised and even walk up ten stairs. He performed ADL tasks with moderate independence, where he needed maximum assistance prior.

Richard was discharged home as he met his goals and is looking forward to getting back to his full-time job this week.

We wish Richard much success and are proud of his accomplishments here at Glengariff!