Concierge: Christina Mitchell
Patient: Lou Ponce
Age: 85 yr/male
Admitted: 1/26/2023
Discharged: 3/11/2023
Discharged Disposition: Home with Home health services
Length of stay: 6 weeks
Reason for stay: Pain/Neuropathy/decreased mobility
How did this patient hear about Gallatin Center? Referred to Gallatin via Hendersonville Medical Center
Details of Experience:
Mr. Lou Ponce arrived to our facility here at Gallatin Center in a lot of pain. Grimacing in pain when he was being transferred from stretcher to bed. He could not tolerate for his lower extremities to be touched, even the bed linen hurt him.
Mr. Ponce admitted to Gallatin Center on Thursday 1/26/2023 from Hendersonville Medical Center. With DX: Pain to RLE, Sciatica , R) sided Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis, Pulmonary fibrosis, weakness, difficulty walking, and lack of coordination. The Concierge introduced herself, and attempted to to assist Mr. Ponce into a comfortable position, but the pain to his feet and legs was significant. I asked the nurse to medicate him with pain medication. Mr.Ponce reported to me that his first impression of our community was better than anticipated. In the first few hours of his admission, he was introduced to his primary nurse, CNA, unit manager and concierge. The next day his therapy team evaluated and a plan was implemented to meet his needs and goals. On this day he also met with the dietary manager, Nurse Practioner, and the EVS director.
From the beginning, Mr. Ponce made it known to the staff, that he would return home, and would once again return to his ball room dancing. Pain management was our number one priority in the beginning, because if you are hurting, you are unable to participate in therapy. Upon admission, Mr. Ponce reported the pain in his feet and legs was so bad, he could not stand or walk. Mr. Ponce’s responses to questions asked, ensured his first week of therapy was a rough one. But by week two, he had settled in and was feeling better, and his pain was making a turn for the better. Mr. Ponce’s initial therapy eval, revealed resident was unable to transfer, stand, or walk. He required max assist for lying to sitting on side of bed, or to go from sitting to lying position. He required moderate assistance to roll to left/right side while lying down.
After six weeks of therapy, Mr. Ponce was able to not only transfer, go from lying position to sitting on the side of bed, standing, but he could ambulate approximately 150 ft, with use of rolling walker. He was able to perform his own bathing, grooming, and required very little assist with lower body dressing. Two days before Mr. Ponce discharged from Gallatin Center, he participated in his graduation from therapy party. He was treated to his favorite meal of egg plant parmesean, and enjoyed cake and sparkling juice.
During his celebration, he told staff, “ I will continue to get better at home, and will be back to ball room dancing in 2 months, that is my goal. “ Mr. Ponce reached the goals set for him at Gallatin Center, and was discharged home with Home Health to continue to work hard and hopefully will achieve his goal of ball room dancing.
Mr. Ponce, your friends here at Gallatin Center are behind you 100% , and cannot wait to see you dancing again.