Concierge Director: Karissa Chiantella
Patient’s Age: 73
Admission Date: 05/09/23
Discharge Date: 06/26/23
Admitted From: Glen Cove Hospital
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation and routine healing due to a fracture to the left femur
How Did the Patient Hear About Glengariff? Return patient from 2021

Details of experience:

Domenico was admitted to Glengariff Rehab as a return guest. Domenico and his family chose GlenGariff Rehab because they experienced exceptional therapy services in the past!

Upon arrival, Domenico suffered from intense pain in his left femur due to falling outside. He could not move his leg because of his sustained pain and swelling. After three weeks of being at the Glen Cove hospital, he was transferred to Glengariff, where he had enjoyed a successful recovery some months earlier. Upon arrival at the community, he was introduced to the nursing team and greeted by the concierge team. At the time of his arrival, he could not physically move, use the restroom, or get dressed because mobility was difficult for him. He was thankful that the team here could help him through these tough days.

After being assessed by the physical therapy team, he presented with a decrease in strength, functional mobility, decrease in transfers, and balance. Dominico required skilled PT services for the need to improve functionality. He needed support to improve coordination, increase static & dynamic balance, and increase in strength in order to minimize falls and improve Dominco’s mobile tasks.

When Domenico began his therapy sessions, he walked 40 feet at baseline with a rollator walker. He couldn’t ascend/descend stairs needed to transfer to his house safely, mobility to position properly without bed enablers, or sit-to-stand transfers with proper hand/foot placement. Just after a little more than a month, he can now walk 175 feet using a single-point cane, ascend/descend 12 stairs with a handrail on the left, and maintain dynamic standing without the need for support. After just a month of therapy at GlenGariff Rehab, Domenico can perform most of his daily tasks and mobility without support. We are so excited for him as he is ready to go home.

We all wish him nothing but success and achievement! Goodbye, Domenico!