Concierge Director: Mayya Burlakova
Patient Name: Collins Frederic
Admission Date: 04/03/2023
Admitted From: West Boca Hospital
Discharge Date: 05/19/23
Discharge To: Home
Length of Stay: 47 days
Reason for Stay: Recovery from anemia, hemorrhage of anus and rectum, disease of the pancreas, lymphedema, muscle weakness, difficulty in walking
How did this patient hear about The Legacy: The patient was a visitor a few years ago.
Details of experience:
Frederick is a 69-year-old gentleman who came to the Legacy at Boca Raton for rehabilitation on April 3, 2023, from Boca West Hospital.
Fred became familiar with The Legacy when visiting his friend, who was a patient here. Fred’s friend shared the wonderful care he received from nursing and therapy. Our community was in close proximity to his home, and he recognized how clean and well-maintained our building was, so when he found he required rehabilitation, he returned as a patient.
Upon his arrival, our staff welcomed him to the community. He felt like he was meeting old friends. From the beginning, Fred was determined to regain his independence. Fred is a veteran. He dedicated his life to serving our country. During his service, he was injured but did not retire. Recently, he received assistance from a home health service. Because of his career, he has never been married and has no children. He lives alone in a senior community, Century Village. He has an extraordinarily strong spirit. First, he was evaluated by Nursing, then Physical and Occupational therapists. Our staff developed an individual plan of recovery. All the goals were in place so Fred could safely return to his home.
His functional assessment was: Bed mobility with max assistance and transfers with moderate assistance. He walked just five feet with moderate assistance with a rolling walker. During recovery, a patient demonstrates good rehab potential, as evidenced by cognitive functioning, supportive caregivers, and motivation to participate. Fred’s goals for Physical therapy were to perform bed mobility tasks safely and efficiently with standby assistance without using side rails, learn energy conservation techniques, proper sequencing, and correct hand/foot placement to get in and out of bed. By evaluation, he performed with max assistance and by discharge with standby assistance. Other goals included safely performing functional transfers with independence, pushing up from the arms of the chair, shifting weight over the center of gravity, correctly using assistive devices, and correct hand/foot placement for safe maneuvering in small spaces with reduced risk for falls. By evaluation, he performed it with moderated assistance and by discharge with modified independence.
His last goal was to ambulate on level surfaces of 300 feet using a rolling walker with modified independence with a normalized gait pattern, adequate toe clearance, proper heel strike, normal base of support, continuous steps, and safety during turning. By evaluation, he performed it 15 feet and by discharge 250 feet. His Physical Therapist, Daniela, was a major help. Fred shared that his therapists were fantastic. His Occupational Therapy goals were to perform low body dressing with set-up and use no adaptive equipment with standby assistance. By discharge, he performed it with stand-by assistance. Fred performed functional mobility during daily living (ADL) using the least restrictive assistance device with supervision to ensure a safe return to his prior level of function. By evaluation with moderate assistance and by discharge with stand-by assistance. He performed toileting tasks using grab bars: by evaluation with minimum assistance and by discharge with standby assistance.
During rehabilitation, Fred liked watching TV. He is a giant of a man with a great smile. His prognosis is good. By discharge, we recommended home health services to aid in a safe transition into the home environment. Fred not only physically regained his independence, but he was more positive and upbeat. He was incredibly pleased and thanked everyone for the best of care.
We wish him a happy and healthy remainder of 2023!