Concierge: Garbre White
Patient Name: Enrique Barrio
Patient Age: 78
Admission Date: 09/20/2023
Admitted From: Memorial Regional Hospital
D/C Date: 10/27/2023
D/C Location: Home
Length of Stay: 5 Weeks
Reason for stay: Unspecified Cerebral Infarction


Details of experience:

Mr. Barrio is a 78-year-old male who was first admitted to the Savoy at Fort Lauderdale in September 2023. Mr. Barrio suffered from an unspecified cerebral infarction. He was grateful to have been referred to the Savoy after speaking with the social worker at his local hospital after a thoughtful decision, Mr. Barrio was admitted to our care.

Upon his entry to The Savoy, Mr.Barrio was greeted with a warm welcome by the Concierge, Gabby. Mr. Barrio was evaluated, and immediately, the community’s physical therapy team saw that the patient required physical therapy to improve balance, endurance, mobility, and strength. Mr. Barrio’s recovery process would also require him to undergo occupational therapy, focusing on areas of daily living, such as dressing and personal grooming.

After Mr. Barrio was evaluated, he received his first days of physical therapy. The patient was eager to begin the next four weeks of intense therapy. Mr. Barrio’s initial goals tested his strength, ability to move, and endurance.

Amazingly, within those four weeks, he was able to decrease his dependency with assistance in each category by 50%. This percentage rate simply means Mr Barrio is becoming more and more independent as time passes. Examples of these goals that Mr.Barrio met were ambulating or walking previously only five feet to the distance of 50 feet. Other goals that were met consisted of performing a minimal assisted task, such as getting out of bed, which he excelled at.

Mr. Barrio is working towards discharge and plans to be home very soon. We wish Mr. Barrio all the best on his recovery journey.