Concierge: Rachel Kappenmacher
Patient: Albert Claybrooks
Age: 57 years old
Admission Date:8/14/2023
Admitted From: St. Thomas Midtown Hospital- Nashville
Discharge Date: 1/1/2024
Length of Stay: Five months
Reason For Stay: Metabolic Encephalopathy

Details of Experience:

On July 22nd, 2023, Mr. Claybrooks was hospitalized after his family found him unresponsive and in respiratory distress. Following hospitalization Mr. Claybrooks was admitted to The Nashville Center on August 14th, 2023, with a diagnosis of Metabolic encephalopathy, a chemical imbalance in the brain. Mr. Claybrooks’ presented with increased difficulty with orientation, short term memory, and decreased lower extremity strength. He came to our community for rehabilitation and to improve his cognitive-linguist abilities and increase his mobility and strength.

Upon arrival, Mr. Claybrooks was greeted by The Nashville Center’s interdisciplinary team. This includes Nursing, Social Work, Concierge, Recreation, and Rehabilitation. Mr. Claybrooks was evaluated by Theresa Wong, Physical Therapist, Natalie Bell, Speech Language Pathologist, and Megan Constantin, Occupational Therapist. Mr. Claybrooks was to receive physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy five times a week. This would be an intense treatment plan to ensure he got back to optimal health while being treated here at The Nashville Center.

When admitted, Mr. Claybrooks was evaluated and was at severe dependence of all ADLs. After all the hard work he had put in here at The Nashville Center and 5 months later he was ready to discharge. He had made drastic improvements to activities of daily living and even wrote a letter to employees here at the community to thank them for all they did. Mr. Claybrooks stated “when I first arrived, I couldn’t breathe on my own, I couldn’t walk or talk… I am overwhelmed with gratitude.”

Nashville Center wants to thank Mr. Claybrooks for choosing us to be a part of his recovery journey, we wish him all the best!