Concierge Name: Manny Linares, LNHA
Patient Name: Peter Tepper
Patient Age: 76 years
Admission Date: 2/22/2024
Admitted From: CHSLI Mercy Medical Center
Discharge Date: 3/22/2024
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 30 Days
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation Post-Amputation
How did this patient hear about The Grand Pavilion? Mr. Tepper is with us for his third stay is a neighbor of our community and has been familiar with us for many years.

Details of Experience:

Mr. Tepper is a wonderful 76-year-old gentleman who makes an impact on everyone he meets. He brings a smile to every face and continues to motivate and inspire everyone in the community. He has been in our community twice before for rehabilitation but arrived this time after a right leg below-the-knee amputation on 2/4/24 at Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre, New York, due to septic shock and osteomyelitis. Dr. Richard Matano performed a successful amputation, and Mr. Tepper participated in bedside therapy at the hospital for two weeks before he arrived at our community.

Upon his arrival, he was greeted by our Concierge, Avi Newman, and introduced to our Comprehensive Amputee Rehabilitation Program and Amputee Walking School program led by Paralympic Gold Medalist Amputees Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler (more information about our wonderful program can be found under our Specialty Programs tab on our home page).

Mr. Tepper presented powerful positivity and confidence in his ability to overcome this life-changing condition and pushed forward with his rehab. Requiring extensive assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) and ambulation, he progressed rapidly toward independence. Upon initial assessment, Mr. Tepper had impaired balance and substantial decreases in strength, functional activity, tolerance, and endurance resulting in the need for moderate to maximum assistance to complete ADL tasks. Within a few days, he quickly progressed to safe car transfer for external appointments. He continued to progress and was fitted for a prosthesis.

With great nursing care, Mr. Tepper’s wound healed quickly without infections. He participated in our Urban Zen program with our Integrative Therapist, Jennifer Lampell, who used non-medical modalities to optimize relaxation and reduce anxiety from his new reality to which he found many benefits. Mr. Tepper made new friends and enjoyed social time in the mornings with our Activities team and complimentary Starbucks in the lobby with his wife Barbara in the afternoons and the numerous visitors that came to see him.

Due to a combination of issues with insurance and his rapid progression, Mr. Tepper and his family agreed that it was best to finish his therapy from home. He lives several minutes away and plans on walking back to the facility to show off his new leg Our Social Work team coordinated a safe discharge home, and we continue to monitor his progress to ensure he progresses on his journey toward better health and wellness