Concierge Director: Meleah Haley

Patient: Reginald Brown

Patient’s Age: 60

Date of Admission: 11/06/2021

Admitted From: St. Thomas Midtown

Length of stay: 417 days

Discharge Date: TBD

Discharge To: Home

Reason for stay: Generalized muscle weakness, unspecified atrial fibrillation

How did this patient hear about Trevecca? Case manager referral

 Details of Experience:

Mr. Reginald Brown was admitted to Trevecca Center for Rehabilitation and Healing on November 6th, 2021, from St. Thomas midtown in Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Brown was initially admitted to the hospital due to losing his balance at home and experiencing numbness in his left leg. Once he was admitted to St. Thomas, it was discovered that Mr. Brown had a significant amount of fluid in his lungs. It was at that point that the clinical team thought it would be best for the patient to receive a level of rehabilitation before returning to his home.

Mr. Brown had the option to choose several rehabilitation programs, and he chose Trevecca. He stated that our team would get him where he wanted and needed to be. Upon his arrival to the community, our rehabilitation team began working with him so that he would be able to gain strength in his legs. Mr. Brown’s Occupational therapy team shared that he had great potential and good safety awareness, but Mr. Brown was still experiencing an extreme level of pain in his left leg. After several evaluations, the clinical team sent him out to the hospital so that they could closely examine his left leg.

After Mr. Brown was sent out to the hospital, his doctor was able to diagnose him and said that his pain was coming from his left knee and that before he was able to qualify for surgery, he would have to lose a total of 50 pounds. This news was discouraging for Mr. Brown; not only did this mean he would have to be away from home longer, but it also meant that his progress and recovery would be determined by changing his lifestyle choices. Once he returned back to Trevecca, the rehabilitation team made sure that his therapy sessions would be aimed toward his weight loss goal for surgery. His meal options were also modified by our Dieticians in order to make sure he was getting what he needed and minimize any options that did not align with his weight loss goal. During this time, Mr. Brown shared that he was experiencing moments of depression. It even got to the point where Mr. Brown wanted to have his left leg amputated.

Mr. Brown stated, “I felt that when I got two steps forward, I would get set 10 steps back.” Although Mr. Brown had moments where he was discouraged, The Rehabilitation team continued to encourage him and work with him toward his goal. Once September 2022 came around, Mr. Brown had officially lost a total of 50 lbs. His appointment for surgery was set for the month. Mr. Brown’s left knee surgery was a success! He was admitted back to Trevecca so that he could focus on his recovery before returning home. It is now December, and Mr. Brown is walking and standing without any extreme pain. Once his therapy course is complete, the plan is for him to safely discharge home, where he will be living with his sister.

After listening to Mr. Brown’s story, I asked him what his personal and professional goals were once he returned home. Mr. Brown shared that he first wants to fix up his car and help his brother with their family business. He also shared that he is ready to resume his dating life and to just get back to living life to the fullest.

In Conclusion, Mr. Brown wanted to say some words of encouragement for anyone who may be going through a similar journey: “Just be strong and believe in the Lord.”