Concierge Name: Daniel Wolf
Patient Name: Lascelles Callum
Patient Age: 68
Admission Date: 02/26/24
Admitted From: Mount Sinai
Discharge Date: 03/27/24
Discharge To: Home
Length Of Stay: 31 Days
Reason For Stay: Joint Replacement Surgery
How Did This Patient Hear About Sans Souci: Dr. Mehta

Details of Experience:

Mr. Lascelles Callum arrived at Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on a chilly winter night in February. Before the surgery, Dr. Mehta spoke to Lascelles about the need for aftercare, and they spoke about Sans Souci. Mr. Callum had heard of this name a few times and even knew a former staff member, so he tried it out.

At first, Lascelles was unsure and uncomfortable with the new transition, but that quickly changed. “Naomi John, the nursing supervisor, was the first person I met, and she made me feel comfortable. After that, all the CNAs were friendly and accommodating, which allowed me to focus all my energy on therapy and getting better,” Mr. Callum shared. By the end of his first week, Mr. Callum’s attitude completely changed from how he felt when he arrived.

Mr. Callum’s first week was filled with highlights that helped him become comfortable with his new surroundings. “Bernice, the financial coordinator, met with me immediately and helped me figure out my insurance. She was an angel, and she could help me with everything I needed, which eased my anxiety a lot,” shared Mr. Callum. “Anytime I asked for anything, I was quickly taken care of. Omar Garcia was also instrumental in making me feel comfortable and hopeful for the future,” Lascelles explained. With all these positive experiences, Lascelles could enjoy the activities and focus appropriately on his therapy. With all this positivity in mind, he met with the Physical and Occupational therapy team and set goals to accomplish during his stay.

Two weeks later, Mr. Callum had achieved his goals and was already setting new ones. His initial goals included ambulating 75 feet, transferring out of and into the wheelchair, and being able to walk up 13 steps while being supervised. After two short weeks, Lascelles had easily conquered all of these goals. He could walk 150 feet while being supervised and perform transfers independently, only requiring set-up assistance. He was also able to walk up 13 stairs, a considerable improvement from not being able to ascend any stairs when he arrived in the community.

When asked how he could make so much progress so fast, Mr. Callum smiled and pointed to Christine Divinagracia, his Rehab therapist. “Christine was an amazing trainer. She would always push me to get better, and thank God I listened because now we’re going home,” Lascelles shared with a smile. Only one week after that, he had already crushed his second set of goals. With all the incredible progress under his belt, he could focus on discharging home.

Mr. Callum will leave Sans Souci Nursing Home and Rehab Center on March 27th. He is extremely excited to be returning home to his life and reconnecting with his friends. His daughter visits weekly and will be pivotal during this next transition to home. “At first, I was uncomfortable with all the changes, moving from my house to a nursing home, and all the work I had to do. After spending some time in Sans Souci with Christine teaching me what to do, and with Bernice and Omar constantly keeping my spirits up, I am confident in my ability to make this next transition,” Lascelles shared ecstatically. “I will miss all the activities, such as Omar bringing little animals, like goats and rabbits, to my room. I would wholeheartedly recommend Sans Souci to anyone who needs a place to recuperate and get back to normal,” Mr. Callum said.

After seeing what he was capable of in therapy, we have no doubts that Mr. Callum can accomplish anything he puts his mind to. We wish him nothing but the best in his upcoming chapter, and we can’t wait to see what Mr. Callum conquers next.